
主要: 诊断性医学超声 (一般/血管跟踪)
小: 心理学


My decision to choose diagnostic medical sonography was driven by my desire to serve patients in a method that many individuals may not be aware of. I became passionate for the healthcare field during my time as a certified nursing assistant and that passion only grew as I took the initiative to shadow sonographers at hospitals in my own hometown as well as around 博天堂官方入口登陆登录. Ultrasound is a very diverse field that allows a caregiver to be there for their patients in what may vary from stressful to immensely happy times. It is a major that will drive me to be my best and continue learning every day during my future career.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?

The courses I’ve taken so far have prepared me to be a well-rounded health care provider. They have given me insight into patient care for many diverse cultures and taught me to not just accept the minimum, but to strive for my highest potential by challenging me throughout my college career.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

Although some of my nursing classes were rather large and I wasn’t able to obtain a relationship with those professors, there were numerous courses where I had a great experience with my small classes and faulty. One of my very first courses at Carroll was English 170, where I was able to learn concepts that were not familiar to me so much better in a smaller environment. That is when I realized the benefits of going to Carroll and being able to have my questions answered and explained in an environment that was not intimidating to me. This helped me to grow in my ability to be the best student I can be.

What’s one of the most unique experiences you’ve had relating to the coursework for your major?

Since my major allowed me to apply and be accepted to the Aurora St. Luke’s School of 诊断性医学超声, the idea of school has completely changed to me. I am able to be immersed in the field, caring and performing ultrasounds on very real patients while learning the material. This opportunity and experience is known in health care to make the students into top-notch sonographers of the future. I have learned so much more than I could have imagined to prepare me to be the best sonographer that I can be. Being in the field caring for real patients has been the most unique experience for me because I’m learning about real cases and how to handle them when I encounter them in my career after school.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you’re learning in the classroom?

While at Carroll, I decided to take the time to take up a psychology minor. I wanted to take this extra time to make myself more diverse in my knowledge when approaching healthcare.

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

I’d recommend my major to prospective students because Carroll’s program not only gives you the knowledge you need to succeed, but they are known for producing students that have the ability to succeed and go beyond expectations in health care. Sonography is a unique avenue of healthcare that not many individuals may be aware of, but it’s a challenging yet rewarding path that I would definitely recommend. It’s an area where I feel appreciated and know that I’m making a difference in the lives of my patients while growing in the field every day.

Why did you choose to attend 博天堂官方入口登陆登录?

从一开始 我走在校园里, I felt at home and they have shaped me into the professional that I am today. I grew personally and as a student in my time at Carroll and I believe that it will make me successful in my future.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

博天堂官方入口登陆登录 gives you an edge that many other universities don’t provide. 项目 and employers know that Carroll prepares their students to succeed with the necessary hard work. 如果驱动器在的话, Carroll’s programs will facilitate the growth and success of their students that they will carry with them throughout their entire career.

Learn more about the Health Sciences program

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